Upgrade domain controllers running core server installation
Check the Microsoft documentation for prereqs [1]. Mind that you’ll be prompted for a license key when running the upgrade and that different versions require different KMS keys [2].
- Reboot the server
- Run dcdiag to check that the DC is working properly. Optionally, run systeminfo to check the version
- If your DC is virtual, create a snapshot
- Copy the iso with the target OS on your DC
- Enter powershell to start a PowerShell session
- To mount the iso, run Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath [path to iso]\en-us_windows_server_2022_xyz.iso -StorageType ISO
- Check the drive letter of the DVD drive created
- Run cmd to end the PowerShell session
- Run exe from the DVD drive. It may take some time until the dialog below appears
- Click Next until you reach Ready to install.
- When the setup is finished, run systeminfo and dcdiag to validate that the upgrade succeeded and the dc is working properly.
Potential Issues:
- For all upgrade issues, see the logs in c:\windows\panther
- The upgrade is hanging at 14%. Restart the server and try again.
[1] Upgrade domain controllers to a newer version of Windows Server
[2] Key Management Services (KMS) client activation and product keys