Provisioning a CMG fails
When setting up a CMG, your CloudMgr.log may show errors like the onces below:
ERROR: Resource Manager – Failed to finish deployment. Check [Monitor/Activity log] on Azure Portal for more information (0x5424)
Resource Manager – Got deployment operation details for deployment CreateKeyVault in resource group happyadmincmg SMS_CLOUD_SERVICES_MANAGER
ERROR: Exception occured for service HappyadminCMG : Hyak.Common.CloudException: Failed to finish deployment~~
Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.AzureManagement.ResourceManager.StartAndMonitorDeployment(String resourceGroupName, String deploymentName, Deployment deploymentProp, Int32 secondsToWait, Int32 timeoutInMinutes)~~ bei Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.AzureManagement.ResourceManager.CreateKeyVault(String resourceGroupName, String keyVaultName, String location, String vmssObjectId, Int32 timeoutInMinutes)~~ bei Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudServicesManager.CreateDeploymentTask.Start(Object taskState). SMS_CLOUD_SERVICES_MANAGER
When I recently set up a CMG using an older step-by-step guide, I ran into an issue with the Resource Providers: While you previously needed Microsoft.ClassicCompute, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.Network, Microsoft.Storage and Microsoft.ClassicStorage, it is nowMicrosoft.Compute, Microsoft.Network, Microsoft.Storage and Microsoft.KeyVault. I assume the change came with Virtual machine scales sets (which are the only option with 2203 and later). This is a trap since you still find several links to instructions that simply don’t work any longer.
Be also aware of the naming requirements for key vaults. CMG name containing special characters like ‘-‘ or names starting with a numbers will cause the setup to fail.
In case your CMG setup fails just delete it, watch CloudMgr.log for the removal to complete and try again. I needed 3 tries to have my CMG up and running.
Set up a CMG
Common errors with key vaults
Download MCT trainings without the LDM tool
When I download MCT trainings once in a while I always run into issues with the LCM tool, therefore here’s the guide to direct downloads without LCM:
Open a browser window in inprivate or incognito mode and authenticate to with your MCT account. Go to the download queue. When prompted to use the LCM tool, click Cancel.
When you download multiple files, there’s another confirmation required.
Happy downloads without LDM errors!